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Legacy Legend Outlaw (Mini Cowgirl)
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Legacy Legend Outlaw (Mini Cowgirl)

The Outlaw will come off the tee with high speed but less than that of a Rampage and Cannon.

Catalog Number/Weight (See Pics) Qty Price Buy
#2 - 175g 2
+ -
#3 - 175g 2
+ -

The Outlaw will come off the tee with high speed but less than that of a Rampage and Cannon. The slower speed allows the thrower to have more control but still get distance. Whether you are a backhand or sidearm player the Outlaw should find a place in your bag. 

Legacy Legend plastic is similar to Icon, but it has a futuristic metallic look to it. It is also limited for special production runs only and is the most sought after of the Legacy materials. The distance in this edition of plastic is phenomenal despite any weather conditions. It is grippy, and has a consistent flight pattern. This is a true go to plastic when you want that extra distance on your shot. 

Flight Rating: 12/5/-1/3

Note: These discs are part of a limited production run of (40) Legend Outlaws featuring the "Mini Outlaw Lady" hotstamp.

    • Weight
      0.49 lbs
    • SKU
  • Catalog Number/Weight (See Pics)
    #1 - 174g, #2 - 175g, #3 - 175g, #4 - 175g, #5 - 175g, #6 - 175g, #7 - 174g, #8 - 174g, #9 - 173g, #10 - 171g, #11 - 171g, #12 - 170g
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